October 29, 2010

New Website

(Front Cover of mailer)

Over the past couple of months I have been working on creating a website. Now it is finally completed!
Please visit santarsiero-art.com and tell me what you think!

I will be sending out for mailers announcing my site, if you would like one please email me at sara@santarsiero-art.com
Leave your name/mailing address and I'll send you some mail!

October 26, 2010

One of my favorite parts about interning at the Montserrat Gallery, working with Miss Maggie Cavallo!

Free time? Pick through some of these.

Here is a collection of various links I've saved over the past year. Check them out! Maybe you will like them, maybe not. Enjoy!

Art Blogs:

Everything Else That Matters:

October 25, 2010

I just started working on a painting for my mom. Photos to come at a later date. I want her to see the painting in person before I unload any images onto my blog.

Speaking of moms! Here is a photo to compensate for not having an image of my painting.
Nancy Botwin (best mother) from the acclaimed show, Weeds. Played by Mary Louise Parker and also my Halloween costume this year!

October 24, 2010

In the September 2010 issue of ARTNews, William Ruprecht said, "It's faster on the way up and fast on the way down."

October 23, 2010

Yassy Goldie_ Artist Talk

This past artist talk at Montserrat was clearly outstanding. For the many who attended I think you would agree!!

Mr. Yassy Goldie, the one and only representative for Golden Jasmine Yeti Dancers (GJYD), works as the figurehead of the group. This way the individual identities of GJYD can remain anonymous. As a collective they created I want to soX yuO!, a site-specific installation currently held in Frame 301.
(The exhibit will be on view until November 5th.)

The installation consists of commercial campaigns for yuO soX within golden television sets, stacked on top of each other. Through truth and satire GJYD is able extend their online presence into the interior and exterior of the gallery.

Bru Jøø, GJYD security guard and one of the GJYDs
(Photo Credit: Tom Maio)

Through guerilla performances GJYD works toward making people aware of social injustices, while at the same time promoting change.

To view GJYD's official site

Can yuO live in a world without the desire for power, position, and/or authority? One does when one does not identify oneself with something greater -Yassy Goldie

October 18, 2010

Tonight was the artist reception at Ithaki in Ipswich Mass.
Mingling, eating, drinking and art!

All work will be on view for the next following months. If you are in the area or wish to spend a nice Fall afternoon in Ipswich, stop by Ithaki and check out some awesome work!

Featured Artists:
Donald Bowen
Judy Brown
Thorpe Feidt
Fred Lynch
Terry Slater
Kristine Williams

These small steps into the Art World make me feel like I'm heading in the right direction. I want to have a career as an artist so here it goes!

October 16, 2010

Luke Bowen


Thanksgiving is now on Youtube!
In 2009 I carried out a performance piece and had my sister Emily film it. Over the next following months I edited the work not really understanding what this piece meant to me.

This piece is another extension of my thesis work from this past year. Trying to find a personal connection between nature and my mother.
Music Credit: CocoRosie's K-hole

These Days

Temporary, yet enjoyable place to make art!

October 9, 2010

In a Dream I was a Werewolf

Grimm: fairy, folk, and other tales Show.
Currated by Miss Liz Sultzer!
A Bear Gallery exhibition using the theme of classic and esoteric fairytales and folktales as its inspiration for artwork. The gallery is looking for work that abstracts, interprets, or relates to this inspiration.
"In a dream I was a Werewolf", was created in response to Little Red Ridding Hood and the song WEREFOLF, by CocoRosie (my favorite group!!). Enjoy the video!

October 7, 2010

Chemo Limo Two Thousand & Eight

I remember listening to Chemo Limo back in October of 2008.
Ink, White-out, Paper Collage on Paper

These recent collages have been brought on by wanting to allow my hands to work as quickly as I process thoughts and ideas.
I enjoy moving at a fast pace.

I've been taking old collages from last year, cutting them up and then rearranging them into new compositions.
Ink, White-out, Paper Collage on Paper

Small Studies

Rainy days always make good for staying inside and making art.
Ink, White-out, Paper Collage on Paper

October 3, 2010

New York Adventures

This past weekend my days were spent traveling to New York, looking at artwork (Chelsea galleries & the MoMA), walking around the city, and visiting my sister!

My all time favorite was walking through the High Line in Chelsea.
Here is a photo taken by Jonathan Flaum.
(I am currently waiting to devleop the photos I took).
Please visit the High Line webpage to view more photos by Jonathan Flaum and other artists!

Here is a list of various artists that I was able to see. Sadly I did not get to go to as many exhibitions in Chelsea as I would have liked to. But I did enjoy my time at the MoMA.

Worth looking into!
*Kara Walker
*Adrian Piper